Messmer Report: Students Invited to Spend a Day at the Senate

Local Sources - In this week's Messmer Report, Indiana Senator Mark Messmer speaks to students being invited to spend a day at the Statehouse.

Senator Messmer made the following address.

Last year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were not able to welcome students to the Statehouse for the Senate Page Program. I'm happy to say, that this year, we're bringing back this unique opportunity for young Hoosiers.

The Senate Page Program is a full-day program that allows students in grades six through 12 to visit Indiana’s Statehouse to experience policy-making firsthand.

As pages, young Hoosiers meet their state senator, tour the Statehouse, assist staff with age-appropriate tasks, and listen to debates on the Senate floor about different pieces of legislation. This opportunity gives them an up-close look at the steps a bill must go through to become a law.

Each day of the legislative session, representatives from business fields like manufacturing, banking, farming and health care visit the Statehouse. This gives pages the opportunity to see how Indiana’s citizens work with their state lawmakers to craft legislation that positively impacts our state. 

The program begins in January and runs through early March. Positions fill up quickly, so it’s important to apply early. Pages are scheduled on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays during the legislative session, beginning their work at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 3:30 p.m.

Larger groups can page together on Wednesdays, which is ideal for bringing school groups, 4-H clubs, and Scouting troops.

It's always great to see students from Senate District 48 serving as Senate pages. State government has a tremendous impact on our community and it's important that even our youngest citizens have an understanding of the legislative process.

Please urge the young people in your life to consider this opportunity. It may spark a lifelong interest in public service.

Applications can be found at