Messmer: Preventing Coerced Abortions

Local Sources - Indiana Senator Mark Messmer (R-Jasper) released the following message in this week's Messmer report.

A study from Heartbeat International, a pro-life pregnancy resource provider, reports that 64% of women say they felt pressured to seek an abortion. This is a startling statistic, as no women should ever be forced to end the life of their unborn child.

That's why this session I supported House Enrolled Act 1217, which now makes it a Level 6 felony to knowingly or intentionally pressure a woman to have an abortion.

This law will require abortion providers to inform a patient at least 18 hours before a scheduled abortion that no one has the right to coerce her to have an abortion, and ask the patient if she is being coerced to have an abortion.

Coercion is a well-understood legal term for courts, and judges will know how to implement this bill. In 2016, the Indiana Supreme Court wrote, "The term 'coercion' carries with it, at a minimum, the sense of some form of pressure or influence being exerted on the will or choice of another."

In the event of a suspected coerced abortion, this bill requires medical staff, including abortion providers, to immediately report the case to law enforcement. Violating this reporting requirement will be a Class C infraction. The legislation also prohibits abortion providers from performing an abortion on a patient for 24 hours after receiving specific and credible information that a woman is being coerced to have an abortion.

I believe by passing this legislation, we can help show women in extremely difficult situations that there is another option.

If you, or someone you know, are pregnant and in need of help, I encourage you to visit the Right to Life Indiana webpage at for a number of resources to assist both during pregnancy and after the birth of the child.

As always, feel free to contact my office directly with your questions and concerns by email at [email protected] or by phone at 800-382-9467.