Messmer: Ensuring efficiency within state agencies

Local Sources - In this week's Messmer Report, Indiana Senator Mark Messmer highlights government accountability.

Statement from Senator Messmer:

The Indiana General Assembly has given some authority to roughly 124 state government entities to adopt rules in the Indiana Administrative Code, and it's important that the General Assembly maintain confidence in the work of our government agencies.

To assure these entities are operating efficiently, I authored Senate Enrolled Act 264, which establishes a task force to study each agency under the governor's office.

This task force will take a deeper look at the process by which agencies adopt administrative rules and the fee, fine and other revenue stream structures identified in administrative rules. It will also investigate how our fee and fine structures compare to other states and whether or not we charge Hoosiers more than other states fine their citizens. 

This is in part response to a report in 2021 in which 78 administrative rules were adopted with a potential economic impact on Indiana small business of up to $1.5 million dollars. 

The 10 members of the task force will be appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, the minority leader of the Senate, the speaker of the House and the minority leader of the House. The chair of the task force will be determined by the chair of the Legislative Council.

No matter your job, it's important to be held accountable. As the State Senator of District 48, my constituents hold me accountable for each and every bill I vote. Similarly, the legislature must ensure Indiana's Department of Corrections, Professional Licensing Agency, Bureau of Motor Vehicles and any other agency are operating in the best interest of Hoosiers. SEA 264 is a significant step in accomplishing this. I look forward to reviewing the findings of the task force.

As always, feel free to contact my office directly with your questions and concerns by email at [email protected] or by phone at 800-382-9467.