Messmer Column: Permitless Carry Beginning July 1

Local Sources - This week's Messmer Report from Indiana Senator Mark Messmer focuses on the new permit less carry bill going into effect.

This session, the Indiana General Assembly passed House Enrolled Act 1296, which removes the requirement to get a permit to carry a firearm. I have received some questions about what is now allowed and what is prohibited, and I am happy to help clarify what exactly this legislation does for Indiana.

First, the bill is not effective until July 1, 2022, so the permit requirements remains in place until then. 

Once July 1 comes, any individual wanting to purchase a firearm from a Federal Firearms License (FFL) dealer will still have to undergo a background check in order to complete the purchase, just as they have always done. The FFL dealers will check the FBI's National Instant Background Check System to verify that an individual is a proper person under federal law to possess a firearm. Individuals will not be required to complete fingerprint testing for this.

With HEA 1296 in place, a person who has successfully purchased a handgun will not need to take any additional steps to get a license before carrying. However, this legislation still allows a private property owner to control who can carry a firearm on their property.

Additionally, there will continue to be some individuals who cannot legally carry a handgun in public, even though there is no permit required. This includes individuals with certain past criminal convictions, for example. Individuals who are not permitted to carry a handgun may face criminal charges if discovered by law enforcement. To view the full list of those who cannot carry, visit and click on the Quick Links tab in the top right-hand corner.

With the passage of this legislation, Indiana joins 24 other states in affirming the rights of law abiding citizens, who are otherwise legally able to possess and carry a firearm, to responsibly carry that firearm for self-defense without first having to ask the government for permission.

As always, feel free to contact my office directly with your questions and concerns by email at [email protected] or by phone at 800-382-9467.