Messmer Column: General Assembly Begins Legislative Session
Local Sources - This week, lawmakers met at the Statehouse for Organization Day – the ceremonial start of the 2022 legislative session of the Indiana General Assembly.
Organization Day includes the swearing in of new and returning members of the General Assembly and also marks the annual first roll call of all state lawmakers. In addition, this day gives each Senate and House of Representatives caucus the opportunity to organize in preparation for the 2022 legislative session.
The Indiana General Assembly is set up as a part-time citizen legislature. This means we only meet for a portion of the year so that every day citizens can serve as representatives or senators while still being able to live and work in the communities they serve.
In Indiana, we alternate between “long” and “short” sessions. Even-numbered years are “short” sessions while odd-numbered years serve as “long” sessions. The extra time is needed during the long sessions as lawmakers draft the state budget for the next two years.
Over the summer and fall months, lawmakers, including myself, researched different issues and spoke to Hoosiers across the state to determine what we can do to help individuals, communities and businesses. There I s a lot to tackle during the upcoming short session, but I am looking forward to returning to the Statehouse on Jan. 4.
As always, feel free to contact my office directly with your questions and concerns by email at Senator.Messmer@iga.in.gov or by phone at 800-382-9467.