Messmer Column: Ensuring Indiana's Economy Remains Strong

Local Sources- On this week's Messmer Column, State Senator Mark Messmer (R-Jasper) discusses ensuring Indiana's economy remains strong.

Understanding employment and labor issues throughout the state is an important tool to ensure Indiana's economy and workforce remains strong.

This year, the Interim Study Committee on Employment and Labor considered whether Indiana should adopt interstate mobility of occupational licensing so individuals who hold valid licenses or certifications in another state can practice here.

If Indiana were to adopt this, new residents in the state could work in a field they are already trained in, potentially expanding the talent pool for prospective employers.

The committee met twice this year and approved its report during the Oct. 2 meeting, which recommends that Indiana does not adopt Universal Licensing Recognition at this time.

Several groups who testified during committee hearings indicated their current process is working and they would not want to be included if the state were to adopt Universal Licensing Recognition in the future.

The report asks the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency to study similar licensing laws enacted in other states to see how effective they are and how easy they are to administer.

The agency is also asked to reach out to the other industries they represent for any potential suggestions on how to remove barriers for workers who move here from other states.

Several interim committees will continue to meet over the next few weeks. To view committee livestreams and agendas, visit

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