Messmer Column: Establishing standards for battery energy storage systems

Local Sources- On this week's Messmer Column, State Senator Mark Messmer (R-Jasper) discusses establishing standards for battery storage systems.

In the event of a grid failure, or higher than expected demand, it is vital to have stored electricity reserves that can be deployed to keep homes and businesses running smoothly.

Utility scale battery energy storage systems are emerging as one of the potential solutions to increase system flexibility and ensure better energy reliability across the state.

During times of peak electricity production, batteries can be charged to capture excess generation without disrupting the local power supply. Batteries can then reinject this stored power back into the grid during times of optimal energy demand.

While this emerging technology could greatly benefit the state of Indiana, there are no current state safety regulations for these battery storage systems.

House Bill 1173 adopts the National Fire Protection Association's safety standards and makes the Indiana Department of Homeland Security the permitting authority for new construction or expansion of a battery energy storage systems.

This bill also creates provisions to guard against flooding, requires an emergency response plan to be filed with the local fire department, and authorizes the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission to adopt rules specifying installation and operation standards for these systems.

House Bill 1173 passed the Senate unanimously. Because the bill was amended in the Senate, it now moves back to the House for further consideration.

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