Messmer Column: Merry Christmas

Local Sources- On this week's Messmer Column, state senator Mark Messmer (R-Jasper) wishes you a Merry Christmas. 

It is that wonderful time of year again, where friends and family come together from throughout Senate District 48 and beyond to celebrate Christmas.

My wife, Kim, and I enjoy having our grown children and their families over for the holidays. We now have six grandchildren and are enjoying the perks of being grandparents.

As we have done since our children were young, the tradition of making Christmas candy and cookies is still in the works and going very well this year. Our kitchen is filled with a variety of truffles and other treats ready to be delivered to family and friends.

Music has also played an important role in my family’s Christmases. Growing up, mom gathered my siblings and I together to play our musical instruments and perform Christmas carols. We have kept this tradition alive with our band of nearly 25 members, playing for the residents at nursing homes in our area.

Most importantly, my family will continue to attend midnight mass at Holy Family Catholic Church in Jasper to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

“For to us a child is born,
      to us a son is given;
upon his shoulder dominion rest,
and his name will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6

With gifts to wrap, food to bake and events to attend, this time of the year can be overwhelming. I encourage you to slow down and enjoy even the simplest of moments. The first Christmas was one with little fanfare and there is no need for ours to be any different.

To the medical professionals and emergency service providers working during this holiday season, as well as those who are away from their families serving in our military, I offer my thanks. Your dedication and sacrifice is greatly appreciated.

I pray each of you have a blessed holiday filled with joy, peace and happiness. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, from my family to yours.