Messmer: Record Funding for Schools

Local Sources- State Senator Mark Messmer shared his thoughts on the record education funding in the recent state budget.

Educating the future leaders of our state is one of the most important items my colleagues and I consider when crafting the state's two-year budget.

That's why the state budget invests a historic $2.9 billion in new K-12 funding. This includes a $1.5 billion increase in tuition support, 62% of which will go toward teacher pay and benefits.

The budget also:
  • Eliminates textbook and technology fees for Hoosier families with children in public schools, saving families up to $160 million per year.
  • Provides an additional $11 million for Secured School Safety Grants to ensure Hoosier schools are kept safe and secure.
  • Expands eligibility for Indiana's Choice Scholarship program so nearly every child can attend the school that best fits their unique learning needs.
Providing great educational opportunities is critical to our state's long-term success, which is why I was happy to support these funding increases in our new state budget. To learn more, click here