Memorial Hospital Returning to 'Normal' Visiting Hours
Jasper, IN — The Indiana State Department of Health notified hospitals and health care systems in Indiana that beginning July 1st, all will return to normal pre-pandemic visitation policies. Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center visiting hours can be referenced at www.mhhcc.org by clicking “Patients & Visitors.”
Masks continue to be required for entry into Memorial Hospital and all clinics.
If you have exhibited signs of illness, please wait until you are symptom-free to visit. These symptoms include:
• Fever greater than or equal to 100 degrees in the last 72 hours
• Sudden loss of sense of taste or smell in the past 10 days
• Started coughing or been short of breath
• Had fever, chills, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea in the past 72 hours.
Also, do not visit if you have been diagnosed with Covid-19 infection in the past 10 days or have been exposed to others with Covid-19 infection in the past 14 days.
Together, we can keep our patients and loved ones safe!