Memorial Hospital Offers Class For Expectant and New Parents

Jasper- Would you like to better understand your baby’s wants and needs? 

Expectant parents in the last trimester are invited to attend Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center’s “Baby Behavior” class held on Wednesday, February 1, 2023., from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Using current research on baby behavior, our class instructors will help you better understand your baby. The class will teach parents about things such as infant sleep, feeding cues, engagement and disengagement cues, and crying.  The class will help parents become not only more relaxed but more confident in their new role as parents. 

It is highly recommended parents take this class before the baby arrives. However, if parents are unable to, this class can be helpful for parents within the first 1-2 months of the baby being born as well.    

This class is being held in Memorial Hospital’s Board Conference Room ABC at 800 9th St. Jasper.

It is free to those who are delivering at Memorial Hospital or $15. The “Baby Behavior” classes are conducted by qualified obstetrical nursing personnel.

To enroll, please visit Memorial Hospital’s website at and click on “Classes & Events”. If you are unable to access online, please call 812-996-0383-2399.  For specific class questions, please call the OB Lactation Services at 812-996-0383.