Memorial Hospital Offering "Check-In Time" in January

Jasper – Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center offers a support group, “Check-In Time” for breastfeeding moms.  This “Check-In Time” program allows new and experienced breastfeeding moms to have open discussion with Certified Lactation Consultants while also including weight checks for baby, mom-to-mom support, and mom and baby transitions at home such as pumping and returning to work as well as adding solids.

“Check-In Time” will be held on Wednesday January 5, 2022 from 4:45 – 5:45 pm. in the Board Conference Room ABC at Memorial Hospital, 800 W 9th Street.

Moms are encouraged to bring their baby anytime throughout the hour to get weighed and/or to bring their breast pump to check the pressure. No pre-registration is required. 

For more information on this group, please visit Memorial Hospital’s website at call the OB Lactation Service at 812-996-0383.

**Due to COVID 19, all participants will be screened prior to admittance. Please only bring one support person as we will be social distancing. All attendees should wear a mask and will have temperatures taken.

Please do NOT attend if:

In the last 72 hours you or your support person have:

-had a fever of 100.0 or higher

-developed new respiratory infection symptoms, such as shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, cough, sore throat, etc.

-experienced new onset of two or more of the following: chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, or loss of taste or smell.

Or, in the last 14 days have you or your support person:

-been in contact with a known or suspected positive case or coronavirus without the appropriate PPE?

-had a family member with symptoms, notified that they were a close contact (within 6 feet) of a known positive case of coronavirus?