Memorial Hospital Issues COVID-19 Statement
JASPER – As the number of Covid-19 cases are increasing throughout the country, we are
seeing a similar pattern in our local communities. The number of individuals who are being
tested for Covid-19 is up and the positivity rate is rising.
In the past seven days, Memorial
Hospital and Health Care Center (MHHCC) has tested 435 patients. A month ago during the
same time period, MHHCC tested 178 patients. The positivity rate for this comparison has
moved from 8.43% to 21.15% of those tested at MHHCC.
In addition to more positive cases in the community, we are also seeing more hospitalized
patients from Covid-19 than we have in recent months. The large majority of hospitalized
positive cases are unvaccinated individuals. By and large, the vaccinated individuals who get
Covid-19 have fewer symptoms and less severe disease.
The CDC continues to highly recommend that all eligible people get the Covid-19 vaccine to
protect themselves. Knowing the vaccination does not result in 100% protection, basic
precautions such as hand-washing, avoiding crowds, social distancing, and mask wearing still
apply. Visit https://www.coronavirus.in.gov/vaccine/ or dial 211 to schedule a vaccine
To continue to keep our caregivers, patients and patient families safe, we ask you to continue to
wear a mask inside of any Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center facility.