Memorial Hospital Announces 2022 LCM Award Recipient

Jasper- Tina Horn was named the 2022 recipient of the Little Company of Mary Award at Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center. 

The LCM Award is given annually to an employee nominated by his or her co-workers and chosen from a group of finalists by the hospital’s Mission Committee. Nominees for this award demonstrate Memorial Hospital’s mission and core values through their daily work.

Horn works in Environmental Services and has worked at Memorial Hospital for 31 years. Horn has been described as a kind, caring, compassionate and honest person in all her interactions with others, and as someone who will do whatever it takes for her family as well as her hospital family. She is the first to volunteer to come in early, stay over, and cover absences. Horn resides in Winslow, Indiana, and states she loves working at Memorial Hospital. 

Other nominees for the award included Brenda Figueroa, Post-Acute Services; Jill Folz, Women’s Center; Kay Hall, Memorial Home Care; Terri Hamilton, Hospitalist Services; Jamie Harris, Memorial Health Family Medicine; Dawn Hay, Radiology; Connie O’Brien, Surgery Care; Abby Recker, Medical Services; and Brent Schuler, Pharmacy.