Memorial Hospital Announces 2021 LCM Award Recipient

Jasper – Rhonda Schultheis, BSN, RN, CPHQ was named the 2021 recipient of the Little Company of Mary Award at Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center. 

The LCM Award is given annually to an employee nominated by his or her co-workers and chosen from a group of finalists by the hospital’s Mission Committee. Nominees for this award demonstrate Memorial Hospital’s mission and core values through their daily work.

Schultheis works in Quality Services in Infection Prevention and Employee Health. She has worked at Memorial Hospital for 15 years. During the pandemic, Schultheis served Memorial Hospital as a key resource in providing the most up-to-date information and guidance on COVID research and guidelines. Schultheis was described as working countless hours and taking on duties beyond what many of us would imagine. And through it all, Schultheis remained kind, respectful, and compassionate. She was the calming presence for many healthcare workers at Memorial Hospital.

Schultheis stated, “The last year and a half have been challenging for everyone working in healthcare. Numerous individuals within our organization are deserving of this award. I am humbled to be the recipient and want to thank those who supported me and encouraged me along the way. I owe a great deal to my family who has been very helpful and understanding of the demands that come with working in Infection Prevention during a pandemic. I am blessed to be surrounded by caring individuals.”

Schultheis lives in Loogootee with her husband, Jody. They have two daughters, Emily and Natalie.

Other nominees for the award included Laura Blessinger, Angela Day, Heather Faith, Diane Lange, Paula Martin, Kathleen “Scotty” Munning, Brooke Nichter, Tina Rahman, and Maggie Schnarr.