Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Issues Statement on COVID-19
Jasper – Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center released the following statement in regards to COVID-19:
COVID-19 cases continue to rise nationally and unfortunately, we are seeing similar
trends in our region. Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center (MHHCC) is seeing increases
in the number of COVID-19 tests and positivity rates. In the past seven days, MHHCC has
tested 818 patients and 220 of those tested were positive for COVID-19.
Currently, there are 17 patients admitted as inpatients at Memorial Hospital with COVID-19. Of
these 17 patients, only one is fully vaccinated. “Almost every patient admitted to the hospital
with COVID-19 in the past couple weeks have not received the COVID-19 vaccination - either
by choice or they just haven’t gotten around to it. It’s really sad when you see 30 and 40-yearold patients who get admitted to the hospital that end up on a ventilator when it likely could’ve
been prevented with a vaccination” said Dr. Michael Johns, Hospitalist at Memorial Hospital and
Health Care Center.
The CDC continues to highly recommend that all eligible people get the Covid-19 vaccine to
protect themselves. Knowing the vaccination does not result in 100% protection, basic
precautions such as hand-washing, avoiding crowds, social distancing, and mask wearing still
apply. Visit https://www.coronavirus.in.gov/vaccine/ or dial 211 to schedule a vaccine
To continue to keep our caregivers, patients and patient families safe, we ask you to continue to
wear a mask inside of any Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center facility and urge you to do
so in the community as well.