Mayor Vonderheide Responds to Unfounded Allegations Regarding Visitors

Jasper’s Board of Public Works and Safety held their regular meeting on Tuesday morning to prepare for winter weather and address some troubling claims made over the weekend. 

Mayor Vonderheide took a moment to respond to some allegations made this past weekend regarding a group of local workers that were brought into the city for the day. When seasonal workers arrived via bus for a day of shopping, public response was not welcoming and stories quickly spiraled, even suggesting connections to international gang activity. These temporary workers are employed in local pumpkin and melon farms, and the company takes them shopping each week for necessities. This week, the group had requested to visit Jasper. The mayor reminded the public that the city invites others to come visit our community and to be welcomed and feel safe. He said that it is important to make sure that the public realizes that “not everyone is the same, and that the differences are something that we need to embrace and not be afraid of.” While it is important to be aware of your surroundings, Vonderheide said that it is also important not to jump to conclusions and rush to judgement. He said that these workers and others like them are important to our farming communities and our factories, and that he hopes others will reach out to find out what these individuals need when they come to Jasper. He also thanked JPD for their responsiveness in investigation, and recognized the media for playing an important part of getting the true information disbursed to the community. 

The board’s agenda was full, largely regarding preventative maintenance and repair for the city ahead of the winter weather. A single bid was received for the replacement of the Jasper Police Department roof. Bids were sent to 4 contractors and the deadline was extended. Since it was within the budget, the bid from Schmitt Contracting for $52,950 was accepted by the board pending review rom the city. 

Parks Director Tom Moorman provided an update on the Parklands controlled burn. It will take place somewhere between the end of September and the beginning of October, depending on weather. The fire department will also be on hand and communication regarding a more specific date will be made to the community when it is set. 

The board gave their approval to utilize the Schroeder Complex for the annual Touch a Truck event. It will be held on November 2 nd from 9:30-11 am with a quiet time from 9:30-10 am where there will be no horns or sirens. 

In his report, Chief Schmitt said that there were a couple of burglaries this month as well as an increase in rummaging through unlocked vehicles. Additionally, there were two incidents of public indecency. Chief Schmitt issued a public reminder for residents to keep their vehicles and homes locked, especially overnight. The board also approved conditional offers for two open officer positions. 

Street Superintendent Jeff Theising received the board’s approval to remove a tree in front of the residence at 416 West 9 th Street, where roots are growing into the curb and breaking up the concrete. The Street Department will have the tree removed, in coordination with the Electric Department, and will notify Memorial Hospital regarding the necessary road closure. In addition, quotes were also awarded for the crack fill materials and geo-melt 55. Theising advised that the department will also close a portion of Cathy Lane at the 90 degree turn to remove and replace a rusted metal pipe. Work should be completed within one day, and will likely take place within the next two weeks.

For more information on these and other updates, visit or JasperGov-Indiana on Facebook.

- Drew Hasselbring