Lower East Fork White River Watershed News
September / October / November is time for fall decorations, pumpkin patches, scarecrows and
harvest! If you are a producer gathering in those crops you worked so hard to get to this stage –
you are appreciated! As the Lower East Fork White River watershed coordinator, I hope you
have a safe, rewarding and trouble-free harvest.
If you are a producer in the Lower East Fork White Watershed, and are doing conservation
practices such as fall cover crops, please reach out! Contact me, Julie Loehr, at 812-779-7924.
We can talk while your combining or waiting at the elevator to unload. I would love to hear
from you!
We may even discover that there are cost-share funds to reimburse you for part of your efforts!
However, even if I can’t help financially, your reported conservation practices can help us at the
local SWCD office receive future grant funding. Knowing what you’re doing also allows us to
thank you for all you do to protect water quality and soil health. I promise to keep the call short
and easy. If during the call, we find out you’d like more information, we can re-connect after
harvest to showcase your role in natural resource conservation in Daviess, Dubois, Martin and
Pike Counties!