Locking Arms For Suicide Event Coming in September

By: Corbin Lingenfelter, News Director

Huntingburg- It’s been called the silent fight.

Statistics say 80 people will die from suicide a day in the United States. Dubois County is a part of that statistic.

“Dubois County had a high rate in 2022,” said Kendra Nichols, “So far in 2023 we have had two.”

That high rate was seen by nine reported suicides last year.

To help raise awareness and help benefit resources that are in the county, Locking Arms is hosting their annual benefit in Huntingburg.

“We literally lock arms with families and those in the area who may need help with mental health resources,” Nichols said.

One of those resources is Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) training that Locking Arms’ Boone Taylor teaches. 

“We actually teach this to first responders, law enforcement and anyone who may be interested,” said Taylor.

A silent auction, memory table, guest speaker, live DJ, and more are planned for the benefit on September 16th. Doors will open at 4:00 PM EST at Venue 1408 in Huntingburg, with the benefit starting at 5:00 PM. 

Those wishing to share photos of their loved ones for a memorial video can do so by sending them to Nichols at [email protected]

Ticket prices are:

  • $30 Per adult
  • $55 Per couple
  • $12 Per kid (6-15)
  • FREE for children 5 and under