Local Veterans Group Makes Donation, Disabled Vet Offers to Help Other Vets in Need During Pandemic


JASPER -- The local Disabled American Chapter #77 and Auxiliary has announced it's donating $1,500 to the Community Food Bank in conjunction with the help that is being given to Veterans and others that benefit from the food bank, the group said in a statement released this week.

"We had this money budgeted to do the things we thought we were going to do [before the pandemic]", says Ken Schuetter, Chapter #77 Commander, in an interview with WITZ Radio News Friday morning.  "Since we couldn't, our Adjutant suggested we make a donation to the local food bank.  It was a good idea because Mike Drew, who is the husband of Amanda Drew, who manages the [Community] Food Bank, is a disabled American veteran."

Because Mike Drew knows what it is like being a disabled veteran during the pandemic, he is offering local disabled veterans help if they need it.

"[Mike Drew] said he'd be interested in coming to visit them," explains Schuetter.  He went on to say he would "help them fill out the necessary paperwork to get that done.  If he had to, he'd bring the food to them, if they were incapacitated or couldn't get out of the house."  

Those Veterans in need of help may contact Michael Drew for assistance at the Community Food Bank at (812) 482-9009.

 From the left:  Michael Drew food bank crew member, Donna Brittingham Auxiliary Commander, Amanda Drew food bank manager, Ken Schuetter Chapter #77 Commander, Charlie Parker Chapter Adjutant and Dave Hostetter Chapter Treasurer.
From the left: Michael Drew food bank crew member, Donna Brittingham Auxiliary Commander, Amanda Drew food bank manager, Ken Schuetter Chapter #77 Commander, Charlie Parker Chapter Adjutant and Dave Hostetter Chapter Treasurer.