Local Law Enforcement Attend Shooter Response Training

By: Corbin Lingenfelter, News Director

Jasper- In the last decade, there have been four school shootings across Indiana and two mass shootings at businesses in the last year.

The Jasper Police Department hosted officers with the Dubois County Sheriffs’ Office, Huntingburg Police Department and their own department for training on responding to shooting situations within a building like a school.

Officers from the three agencies worked on clearing and responding to situations with an active or non-active shooting within Jasper High School on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Instructed using tactics taught in Indianapolis during an active shooter training seminar, officers learned how to clear rooms properly, work their ways through halls, and create unity with those they are with.

Among those in attendance was Greater Jasper Consolidated Schools School Resource Officer Jason Knies. Officer Knies explains the tactics learned can be used in a multitude of events and environments.

“We’re working through some of the tactics in whatever event could take place, in a school, a business, any kind of environment.”

Officers from the various agencies work on creating a sense of unity and unified understanding of the tactics. Officer Knies explains this can help in the instance a scenario like the ones practiced occur.

“A big part of it is when you have multiple agencies arriving on a scene, you want to kind of be unified working together so it’s more fluent and everybody is working on the same page.”

Training will wrap up around 4:00pm on Wednesday July 20th.

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