Local Group Replaces Invasive Shrubs at Niehaus Park
Huntingburg - Visit Niehaus Park in Huntingburg and you might notice something different, new landscaping
at the beginning of the walking trail.
The three large burning bush shrubs once planted next to
the trail sign, have now been replaced with three Festivus Gold Ninebark shrubs.
Why the change?
According to Emily Finch, Invasive Species Specialist with the Dubois County Soil & Water
Conservation District (SWCD), it’s all part of an effort to replace invasive landscaping with
native alternatives.
“More and more people are realizing that invasive plants like burning bush aren’t good choices.
But we wanted to take it a step further and showcase the benefit of native landscaping. These
Ninebarks will be beautiful but also support multiple pollinators and insects, providing food for
Indiana birds.”
In fact, in 2020 Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus) was classified by the Indiana Invasive Species
Council as a Highly Invasive Plant, indicating they may ask for it to be regulated in the future.
While landowners may be more familiar with invasives like Honeysuckle, Autumn Olive, or
Multiflora Rose, Finch says Burning Bush is more widespread than we think:
“I’m seeing Burning Bush more and more when I inspect forests for invasive plants. In areas
where it has had time to grow, Burning Bush creates such dense thickets that nothing else can
grow there. It displaces our native plants but doesn’t provide the same food or habitat for
wildlife. And the source of these plants are seeds spread from our landscaping.”
The shrub replacement is part of a larger project by the Invasive Species Awareness Coalition
(ISAC) of Dubois County, with help from the Dubois County SWCD and a grant from the Dubois
REC Community Fund. Earlier in the year ISAC volunteers hosted a Weed Wrangle at Niehaus
Park which covered several acres, removing invasive Burning Bushes in the wooded area, along
with other invasive trees, shrubs, and vines.
They also worked with city park staff on how to
identify and control invasive plants and according to Dale Payne, Park Superintendent for the
City of Huntingburg, the help is appreciated:
“The Huntingburg Park Department would like to thank ISAC and the SWCD for the Weed
Wrangle and helping to educate the Park Department on invasive plants. Their expertise was
enlightening as we were not trained in the picking out and getting rid of these species.”