Local Eagle Scout Plans to Install POW/MIA Memorial

Early Monday morning, the Dubois County Board of Commissioners convened for their regular meeting to hear updates including the Huntingburg Library renovation and an exciting Eagle Scout project proposal to benefit the community. 

Incoming Jasper High School Senior Samuel Osterman addressed the Commissioners regarding a proposal for his Eagle Scout Project. Osterman explained he comes from a “deeply rooted military family” and that his project would involve the “design, construction, and installation of a Prisoner of War/Missing in Action monument.” VFW Post 673 agreed to act as the beneficiary of his project. The Commissioners voiced support of Osterman’s proposal with the understanding that some items including research regarding underground utilities at the location and outreach to local veterans’ organizations would need to be completed before installation could be approved. 

Dubois County Highway Superintendent Steve Berg secured approval for a temporary road closure related to the St. Anthony Car Show on August 17 th from 10 am to 3:30 pm. Temporary closures will be on South Street east of St. John’s to west of Cross Street, as well as St. Joseph’s Street from just behind the American Legion to South Street. He also advised the Commissioners that recent storm and rains have delayed the progress on chip and seal paving, but Tuesday is expected to be the final day of work. County Highway Engineer Brent Wendholt said that the project for County Road 600 West has been completed. He also discussed a new vendor proposal that was received for county vehicle tracking services. Wendholt said that it provides a better tracking system and gives full vehicle diagnostics, as well as allowing for service across multiple mobile providers. The diagnostics could provide information regarding speed and braking of county vehicles, and functionality including whether mowers and snow plows are functioning and if they operated at certain locations. 

Dubois County Commissioners President Chad A. Blessinger introduced a discussion on the Dubois County Community Corrections Roof project, which has been leaking. He said that the existing jail building has also had leaks for a long time. The roof was power sprayed and a new coating was added. The roofing company has been coming out each time it rains and spot checking for repairs where a few leaks remain, so it is improving over time. The Commissioners approved for the same treatment to be applied to the Community Corrections roof, citing the fact that the leaks are an emergent issue with serious financial consequences if not addressed in a timely fashion. 

An upgrade to the county’s election equipment has been recommended by MicroVote, the county’s election vendor. The upgrade would require the replacement of one part of the unit, not the full setup, and is related to increased security. The voting machines are certified each year, and their life expectancy is approximately 10 years. The county’s current machines are 8 years old, so the Commissioners were asked to begin to consider budgeting as it will require 6 to 8 months to process the order. 

Representatives of the Huntingburg Library and the Indiana 15 addressed the Commissioners about the library’s extensive renovations currently in progress. One phase of the project is related to ADA accessibility and would add an elevator to the south addition. Currently, there is no way to transition from upstairs to downstairs without going outside. Available grant funding is being explored to cover some of these expenses, but the county would need to apply on the library’s behalf so that they could receive the funds as a sub-recipient. The Commissioners unanimously agreed to participate in any required public hearings and to serve as the governmental body for the grant funding application. 

In other business, Stuart Wilson of Dubois County 911 received permission to hire 2 new employees with a start date of August 12 th . The Commissioners also approved the Deaconess Ambulance contract, and 4 additional jail offer positions were created following previous approval by the Council. Bids were opened for the proposed sale of 2 county-owned vehicles. The high bids exceeded the estimated trade- in value, so the Commissioners approved the sale to the high bidder.

For more information on these and other updates, visit duboiscountyin.org/government

- Drew Hasselbring