Local Artist Completes Latest Installment of Crosswalk Murals

Jasper – This past weekend, local artist Jason Martin completed his latest crosswalk mural in downtown Jasper.

At Jackson Street and 4th Street, “floating” blocks the color of the rainbow now line the crosswalk, each marked with colored footprints. For this project, as well as his others, he has one clear goal in mind.

“Just trying to liven up the community and get people, you know, kids, interested in creating from their mind to create something out of nothing,” Martin said. “To give them something to be able to come out and follow the trail that leads all of the way up to the library.”

Martin has worked his way out from the library, beginning from the entrance, then, on Mill Street and 4th Street.

For Martin, these projects aren’t just work, they are a passion that he has held onto the majority of his life.

“I started when I was five years old,” Martin said. “It’s been non-stop since then.”

In addition to logos and murals within Jasper and Southwest Indiana, Jason’s work has found itself far outside of Indiana.

“I’ve sent things to Florida, I’ve sent things to Germany, I’ve sent things all around,” said Martin.

As for the future of the mural project, Martin say he’s not done.

“We’re talking about doing one inside the library and inside a cafeteria inside the Junior/Senior High School in Dubois,” Martin said. “There’s talks of more.”