Lindauer Working to Keep Divisive Concepts Out of Hoosier K-12 Classrooms

Local Sources – State Rep. Shane Lindauer (R-Jasper) says he is working to keep discriminatory and polarizing concepts out of Hoosier K-12 classrooms.

Lindauer's legislation would ensure students are not taught that one race or sex is superior to others or that a particular race or sex is inherently racist, sexist or oppressive. Lindauer said this concept is often tied to Critical Race Theory.

Lindauer said fortunately this isn't a major issue in the district he represents but what's being taught in public schools affects everyone, statewide and nationwide.

"Parents in our community and across the nation have expressed concerns about divisive concepts like Critical Race Theory leaking into our K-12 classrooms," Lindauer said. "Students should learn about all of history – the good, the bad and the ugly – but no student should be blamed for what others did in the past. This ideology is polarizing and has the power to divide communities. Indiana classrooms should be a place for all students to learn and succeed, and not be discriminated against for their race or sex."

The bill would also ensure students aren't forced to attend mandatory gender or sexual diversity training or counseling, although voluntary counseling could be offered. Lindauer said parents are ultimately responsible for discussions about ideas such as gender identity and sexual orientation.

House Bill 1228 is assigned to the House Education Committee for consideration. To learn more and watch legislative proceedings, visit