Koatz 4 Kidz Collecting Winter Apparel for Dubois County Residents Through November 29th
By Kris Norton
Dubois Co. – Koatz 4 Kidz’s 2021 campaign for good used or new outerwear for adults, children and infants is now underway.
Andy and Brenda Welsh, from Sell4Free Reality, joined WITZ’s Gene Kuntz on Live at 7:05 to discuss this year’s drive – and the impact it has on the Dubois County community.
Amidst an unusual 2020, the need for this program was re-enforced, said Andy.
“What we’ve kind of found out is a lot of people count on this, they say, ‘Well, instead of us buying coats, let’s send you guys to Koatz 4 Kidz for that part,’” Andy Welsh said.
Last year, Koatz 4 Kidz went out to big-box stores with organizations and purchased items from their lists. With coats taken care of, other community organizations are free to focus their efforts on other necessities, and toys, with their donations.
While it may be titled, “Koatz 4 Kidz”, the campaign is open to all ages. Though, sometimes, some are hesitant to reach out for help.
“Sometimes people’s pride gets in the way, this is not a time for being prideful…” Andy said. “I don’t care how old you are or what your need really is. But if you really need a coat and you can’t afford it, come out.”
According to Andy and Brenda, each year the drive collects anywhere between 1,200 and 1,500 coats. They’re almost always completely given away.
Until November 29th, donation bins will be located at: Rural King, Springs Valley Bank and Trust (Main Branch), IGA (Jasper and Huntingburg), German American Bank (Main Branch), Nuyale, Jasper Engines and Transmissions, Holiday Foods (Jasper and Ferdinand), Precious Blood Church, Trinity Church, Holy Family Church, Redemption Church of Jasper, St. Mary’s (Ireland and Huntingburg), NECS, St. Joseph Catholic Church (Jasper), Sternberg Chrysler, Two Ladders, Uebelhor Toyota, and Uebelhor Chevrolet.
The Free Coat Distribution Event is scheduled for Saturday December 4, from 9:00am to 1:00 p.m. at Precious Blood Church Gymnasium, located at 1385 West 6th Street in Jasper.