JES Recognized as a Top 5 ESEA Distinguished School

Jasper- Jasper Elementary School earned a significant honor on Friday, as they were chosen as one of the top five finalists for ESEA Distinguished Schools. 

Out of over nine hundred schools, JES is in the top five.  

The National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators has been highlighting  examples of superior Title I school programs for national recognition through the  National ESEA Distinguished Schools Program since 1996. Schools are selected by their state Department of Education based on their ability to demonstrate a wide array of strengths, including team approaches to teaching and learning, focused professional  development opportunities for staff, individualized programs for student success and strong partnerships between the school, parents and the community.  

Being chosen as one of the top five ESEA Distinguished Schools is based on information from the 2022-2023 school year. The criteria is based on student behavior, attendance and academic outcomes. Data is inserted into an algorithm to determine well-roundedness among the schools. This data, along with a site visit, is what gave JES the honor.  

JES staff began Friday morning by having a breakfast for staff. Mr. Kent Taylor,  principal, read the email from Gina Romano with the Department of Education to the  staff. After reading the announcement to staff, all Jasper Elementary School students and staff went to the gym, where the news was delivered to the students. It was a wonderful morning with many excited students and staff members being recognized  for their hard work.  

To staff and students, Mr. Taylor commented, “I wanted you to know what all your  focus, hard-work, and dedication has yielded for our school and the community of  Jasper. It is an honor to be associated with such wonderful educators and students. I  salute everyone for making our school the cleanest, safest, friendliest, and most  accomplished it has ever been. I look even further to the future, as we continue to  become better each day. Enjoy the moment. You all deserve this.”

JES is invited to showcase their accomplishments at the upcoming TitleCon event, which will be held in April 2024.