Jeep Students Propose Sustainable Solutions
On Tuesday night, the Northeast Dubois County School Corporation board meeting featured
Jeep students with an intriguing proposal.
There’s been a lot of excitement in recent days at local schools, and Northeast Dubois is no
exception, with student achievement in the spotlight. Ms. Rickelman’s AP Physics class gave a
presentation advocating for the use of solar panels at NDHS as a power source. The students
pointed out that there could be significant savings in reducing the school’s carbon footprint.
They also noted that this would be an excellent opportunity to incorporate real-world
experiences with sustainability and economics, and would overlap with STEM education. The
presentation included a full proposal with a recommended vendor and cost comparisons, and
Superintendent Rasche requested a copy for review.
The board also received an extensive overview of CTE, or Career and Technical Education,
which is offered at Northeast Dubois in multiple programs. In addition to the basic state
educational funding provided per student, they also provide additional funds for students who
take CTE courses. Career Technical Student Organizations are also part of CTE, including
Business Professionals of America and Educators Rising. The program provides valuable
education, professional training, and certifications. Students often receive double credit for
college, are awarded scholarships, and receive job offers through the program.
Board member Shawn Dooley will be hosting an Education Town Hall on Saturday, April 5 at the
Celestine Community Club from 10-12. The main focus of the meeting will be the potential
impact of property tax cuts and the negative impact they could have on school funding. State
Representatives Lindauer and Bartels will be in attendance, as well as Senator Schmitt. The
meeting is open to the public, and community attendance is strongly encouraged.
In other business, a few staffing changes and summer school recommendations were approved
by the board. Friday, March 21 will be a synchronous, e-learning makeup day for January 8, and
Spring Break will be March 24-28.
For more information on these and other updates, visit www.nedubois.k12.in.us
- By Drew Hasselbring