Jasper Utilities to Begin Mill Street Water Main Replacement
The Jasper Utility Service Board convened in their regular session on Monday night with a full
agenda of preventative maintenance and equipment purchases for the city.
Quotes were opened for an electric dump truck purchase, and the low bid was accepted from
Uebelhor, pending review. Bids were then opened for a sludge heater replacement and will be
taken under advisement before making a selection.
The electric utility presented several items for the board’s consideration. After reviewing the
quotes for civil engineering for the Northwest Substation, the board approved the suggested
selection of Banning Engineering. The purchase of a new oil filtering system to replace the
current 40-year old system and the purchase of new survalent SMS modem for the SCADA
Notification Alarm System were also approved.
The gas and water report provided an update on the Mill Street water main replacement
project, which affects blocks on Mill from 9 th to 15 th Street. Work is expected to begin mid-to-
late August, and should be completed by October. The department reported to the board that
the backup water supply project is under way. The board approved a quote for the purchase of
2 new locators, as well as a proposal for the inspection and cleaning of a river intake and
traveling screen by Aqueous Infrastructure Management. Updated amounts were approved
from Calcar Paving to repair the roadway at the Newton Street water tower, which the
department hopes will be completed before Strassenfest.
The Wastewater report indicated that an expenditure amount for the sewer relining quote
opened last month was adjusted. The board also reviewed and approved a quote for seal-
coating asphalt at the Wastewater Plant.
The board approved USB resolution #2024-2 regarding loans of funds from the Gas Department
to the Water Department. These loans will be used to fund the backup water supply and Mill
Street Water line projects. In addition, the board was advised that the AMI implementation
project is in progress, with more meters ordered for installation and inventory.
For more information on these and other updates, visit jasperindiana.gov or JasperGov-Indiana on Facebook.
- By Drew Hasselbring