Jasper Unveils Driving Range and Park Improvements
The Jasper Park and Recreation Board convened for its regular meeting on Tuesday night with
an ambitious list of public space improvements and activities to discuss.
The Habig Center provided an update on its senior activities, saying that exercise classes are
consistently at or above capacity. Jasper Indiana Travelers will be canceling the casino trip that
was originally planned for this month. The bus to the Reds/Cardinals ballgame on May 29 is still
on the schedule and more tickets are available.
School visits to the Mill have been paused this month because of the deck construction, but
April attendance will be strong with eight school tours already on the schedule. The Spirit of
Jasper is likewise gearing up for the regular season, with calls coming in to request information
regarding ticket availability. The Easter Ride and Dine trip is sold out, as is the Eclipse Ride on
April 8 th . Private charter trips are also being booked, and it looks as though there will continue
to be a strong demand for the Train Depot space.
At Buffalo Trace, the new driving range is on track to be ready for the grand opening and ribbon
cutting on April 11 th . A request was approved by the board to purchase a new sand trap rake,
and the bidding process will begin to get that equipment in place as soon as possible.
Memberships are very strong, and the course is preparing for a busy season.
Other public outdoor spaces are hard at work to complete scheduled updates. Pooch’s
Playground, which continues to be well-attended, provides great resources and activities for
our four-legged friends. Progress has begun on the Municipal Pool project, and the perimeter
fence has been installed. Equipment has already begun arriving for demolition to begin next
week. Improvements are also underway at Buehler Park. Electrical work is being completed for
the installation of security lights and timers. A water bottle filler is being added, and the soccer
goals will be replaced. The Parks department has also decided to replace the current mulch
with long-lasting rubber mulch, which should translate into some real savings over the years.
For more information on these and other updates, visit jasperindiana.gov or JasperGov-Indiana
on Facebook.
- By Drew Hasselbring