Jasper to Host Summer of Recovery
At Tuesday morning’s Jasper Board of Public Works and Safety meeting, Two Eight Ministries
appeared to tell the board about their Summer of Recovery event. Their ministry does a tour of
Indiana each summer to connect cities with state resources. In a festival format, Two Eight
hopes to create opportunities for families and members of the recovery community to connect
and create a dignified space for healing. The family-friendly event will be about two and a half
hours and will feature live musicians, a DJ, event speakers, vendors for local resources, and
more. Summer of Recovery will be Saturday, July 12 at 5 pm at the Dave Buehler Plaza.
French Lick Winery will be hosting an Indiana Uplands Wine Trail event, “Spring Into Summer
Wine Market.” Multiple wineries, including French Lick, will be present at the event on
Saturday, June 21 from 12-5 pm at the Parklands Pavilion.
While some necessary masonry work is being completed, the alleys by Chocolate Bliss will be
temporarily blocked to ensure pedestrian safety. The alleys will be opened in the evenings
whenever possible in the evenings or when brick work is not in progress. Closures will be no
longer than two weeks.
Police Chief Chad Dick received the board’s approval for multiple training opportunities for the
JPD. Sergeants Brescher and Knies will attend the Indiana Police Supervisors Training held at the
Evansville Police Department on April 9-10.
Chief Dick and Assistant Chief Persohn will attend
Chief’s School at the ILEA on April 21-25. On October 6-10, Officer Joe Chambers will attend the
ATK9 Conference in Butlerville, IN. A computer replacement and refresh request for the
department was also approved.
Chief Dick reminded the board that this is First Responder Wellness Week and talked about the
importance of supporting responders who deal with critical incidents. To help with that, the
department will move forward with training the new peer support team through Lexipol’s peer
support team virtual training.
Fire Chief Kenny Hochgesang updated the board about multiple violations for trash and debris
accumulation at some properties. Chiefs Dick and Hochgesang discussed the process of
addressing abandoned vehicles. When notified of a possible abandoned vehicle, fire or police
department officers go out to see if it’s inoperable. If it is, dispatch sends an officer out to tag it.
The owner has 72 hours to rectify the situation from there, after which the vehicle can be
City Engineer Chad Hurm provided an update on some upcoming road closures. 6 th Street
between Mill and Jackson will be closed on March 31 for up to two weeks to install a storm
sewer. After that, sidewalks will be replaced and repaired. A portion of the road should be able
to reopen after the sewer work is completed. For another storm sewer replacement, Brosmer
Street south of 30th will be closed for one day on Wednesday, March 26.
Three quotes were opened for a new one-ton dump truck for the Street Department, and the
bid from Bob Luegers was accepted. A quote for a new salt spreader, which will be used on the
new dump truck, was also accepted. Street Commissioner Jeff Theising thanked crews for all of
their work in clearing debris from the recent storms. On April 1-2, the Street Department will be
conducting its annual pavement inspection.
In other business, Mayor Vonderheide received permission to attend the Mayor’s Institute in
Indianapolis on April 29-30. Brosmer Land Surveying and Engineering received acceptance of a
dedicated right-of-way, public utility and drainage easement, and public infrastructure for the
West Hill First addition.
For more information on these and other updates, visit jasperindiana.gov or JasperGov-Indiana
on Facebook.
- By Drew Hasselbring