Jasper Strassenfest Organizers Announce This Year's Theme, Hofmarschall and More
JASPER -- Strassenfest organizers have announced this year’s theme.
It will be “Celebrating Jasper’s Commitment to Higher Education.” It accentuates and celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the VU Jasper Campus.
The logo and button is still in the design phase. It will be released in the next few weeks.
This year’s parade Hofmarschall will be Dan Fritch. He’s the President of the VUJ Foundation Board of Directors.
As Strassenfest Hofmarschall, in addition to attending several Strassenfest events and activities, Dan will speak briefly at opening ceremonies on Thursday July 3Oth and will lead the Strassenfest Parade on Sunday August 2nd. A lifelong Jasper resident and proud VUJ Alumnus, Dan is co-owner and COO of Matrix Integration, a Jasper based, strategic IT infrastructure partner for more than 1000 businesses across Indiana and beyond. Dan has a passion for making his community a better place through many volunteer roles. He believes in living life by the values of respect, integrity, accountability, honesty and teamwork.
Organizers are also announcing some new features for this year’s annual festival including a half-pot drawing with a minimum prize of at least $5,000.
Ticket sales will begin July sixth at the Chamber of Commerce office and will be available for purchase during festival hours at a downtown square location. Proceeds from the half-pot will go towards the Dubois County Scholastic Excellence Award Scholarships to benefit Dubois County students attending VU Jasper as well as other improvements to the Jasper Strassenfest.
Make plans now to attend the 2020, 42nd annual, Jasper Strassenfest, July 30th to August 2nd in and around downtown Jasper.
For more information about the 2020 Jasper Strassenfest activities and events contact the Chamber of Commerce at 812-482-6866, visit www.jasperstrassenfest.org or follow us on Facebook.