Jasper State Troopers Asking What You Want Them to Focus On

JASPER -- State troopers out of the Jasper post are taking to social media to get an idea of what YOU would like to see addressed in your community.

In a Facebook post over the weekend, Sgt. Lambert with ISP asked, “If District 34 State Troopers were to concentrate on one thing in your community, what would it be?”He added he would read every response.

And locals are responding.

Obviously, drugs in the local communities was one of the most frequent replies on the post.

Others included things like school security, speeders, texting and driving, and increased patrols on roadways notorious for crashes.

If you’d like to make your voice heard on the post, head over to our Facebook page.

I shared the post there.  You can go on and add your own comments for the troopers here in Jasper to review.