Jasper Schedules 2021 Memorial Day Observance, Announces Veteran to be Remembered and Guest Speaker

The annual observance of Memorial Day by the Dubois County Veterans Council will be Saturday May 29th beginning at 10:00 am. on the west side of the Dubois County Courthouse in Jasper at the Veteran’s Memorial and Fountain. All Veterans Organizations of Dubois County will be represented and all Veterans who passed away this past year will be remembered. Lowering of the United States Flag to half mast will be done by the Marine Corp League. A prelude of Patriotic Songs along with the National Anthem will be sung by Bernie Jeffries and the Recycled Teenagers. 

Chris Knies President of the DCVC and Senior Vice-Commander of VFW Post 11365 and American Legion Post #124 will be the master of ceremonies. Father Anthony Govind of the Christ the King Parish of Ferdinand and St. Henry will be the presiding Chaplain. Steve Bartels from the American Legion Riders will conduct the POW/MIA Ceremony. Dan Hollinden chaplain of Navy Club Ship #90 will conduct a ritual remembering Sailors and those lost at sea. Taps will be played State Senator Mark Messmer after the 21-Gun Salute given under the command of Charlie Dupps of the American Legion Post#147. The Honor Guard consist of Veterans from post and organizations through out the county honoring all deceased Veterans. 

This years Veteran to be remembered and honored during this Observance is WW II Veteran Andrew C. Klem of Saint Anthony. After the 8th grade Andy had to take over the family farm as his father died when Andy was ten. Andy entered the Army at the age of twenty and after AIT training at Ft. McCellan Alabama was sent to Japan with the Occupational Forces. While in Japan Andy was in charge of the Japanese personnel who were used to handle rations and various supplies along with the unloading of cargo ships. 

When returning home he married Valada Barlley on August 28th of 1947 and started Klem Construction Company. Andy was known for the fine quality and craftsmanship building over 300 homes with his construction company. 

Andy was a member of VFW Post #673 Jasper and American Legion Post #493 St. Anthony who was a benefactor of Andy’s and Valada’s generosity along with other organizations over the years. Andy was active in the community being a member of St. Anthony Catholic Church, Holy Name Society and was past president of the St. Anthony Community Center and the St. Anthony Water Utility Company. Andrew served on the Advisory Board of the former Dubois County Bank and the St. Anthony Investment Organization. Andrew was a long time member of the St. Vincent DePaul Society and received the Brute Award with his wife from the St. Anthony Parish. Andy Klem passed away December 14, 2018 and Valada preceded him in death on March 8, 2010. 

 Guest speaker for this years observance will be Donald D. Peek Jr. Past State Commander of the Disabled American Veterans of Indiana. Donald served in the Army from 1970-1973 and has roots in Dubois County as his great aunt and uncle were Pete and Edna Buechlein. Donald retired from Allison Transmission after 41 years of service having different responsibilities along with being the Veteran’s representative. Since retiring Donald has been active in securing and keeping Veterans employed and helping Veterans obtain their disability compensations. 

The Jasper Park and Recreation Department will provide temporary bleachers for this event but you are encouraged to bring lawn chairs. 

The Monsignor Wernsing K of C 4th Degree Assembly 0251 and Boy Scout Troop 185 will again be serving bottled water during this event. American Legion Post #147 of 1220 Newton Street Jasper will host a reception for the family and friends of Andrew Klem along with those participating in this event. In case of in climate weather all events will be held at American Legion Post #147 of 1220 Newton Street Jasper.