Jasper Rotary to Sponsor Four High School Students for Leadership Program


JASPER -- The Rotary Club of Jasper is pleased to offer a unique and rewarding opportunity to four qualifying Dubois County high school students.  RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) is a youth leadership training program that helps students grow in self-confidence, gain insights to positive group behaviors and interactions, develop leadership skills, and make many new friends while having fun.  

The experience has been called “life-changing,” “a once in a lifetime experience,” and “an amazing opportunity” by past participants.  

The annual event is FREE to the four selected Dubois County youth, and will take place on Friday, October 18 – Sunday, October 20 at Bradford Woods (IU), Morgan County.  

Applications must be submitted by Tuesday, August 27.  

RYLA application is available at https://www.facebook.com/RotaryClubofJasperIndiana/
or upon request at rotaryjasperin@gmail.com.