Jasper Revitalization Construction Crews to Move in Tuesday

Jasper - A construction timeline finalized after a meeting between construction and city officials, construction is set to begin next week.

A second pre-construction meeting regarding the Courthouse Square Infrastructure and Revitalization Project was held on Wednesday, May 25th with representatives of Ragle Construction and the City of Jasper.

As a result of the meeting, Jasper City Officials have announced that Ragle Construction crews will begin to move in on Tuesday, May 31.

Chad Kempf has been named the site supervisor; Kempf will introduce himself to businesses in the construction area next week to give information about the project.

Flaggers and traffic cones will be used as necessary during the waterline construction. The water line is expected to be completed by July 4th and will not force any road closures.

Construction on the Northeast Quadrant (Phase 1) will begin immediately afterwards.

While signage will reflect traffic movement changes as construction begins, foot traffic will be maintained at all times.

The groups expect each quadrant to take two and a half months to complete. Two quadrants are expected to be complete by Thanksgiving.

There will be no construction after Thanksgiving through the first part of 2023

Meetings with contractor representatives will be held bi-weekly with next one scheduled for June 15.

    Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) maps, parking maps, and schedule details will be provided on the City of Jasper’s website, JasperIndiana.gov, as soon as they are available.