Jasper Redevelopment Commission Gets Pool Construction Update
Early Tuesday morning, the Jasper Redevelopment Commission met to approve their annual
spending plan for the coming year and take a look at the new outdoor pool’s progress.
The meeting opened with the approval of claims. The first claim, from Hafer Associated, was
approved for $14,745 for professional services rendered for the City of Jasper’s New Outdoor
Pool. The next claim, from Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, was approved for $7810 for Tax
Increment Financing services.
The Commission reviewed and adopted their Annual Spending Plan, which must be presented
to the Common Council prior to December 31. The plan accounts for just over $9,213,000 in
anticipated spending for the coming year. Bond proceeds for the TIF, in the amount of
approximately $7,900,000, are held by the trustee and will be allocated to the outdoor pool.
About $100,000 in appropriations spending is budgeted, as is a contribution of $35,000 in grant
contributions to Heart of Jasper for their façade project.
In a pool construction update, the Commission heard that construction is progressing on
schedule. The primary concern at this stage was to get the concrete poured before the cold
weather arrives, and Parks Director Tom Moorman indicated that this goal has been met. The
floor of the pool has been poured, and the walls will be poured this week or next. The tree line
is slated to be removed soon, and will be replaced with arborvitae and spruce trees. Photos of
the pool were presented, and the footprint of the future space was clearly taking shape. The
biweekly pool meetings are reportedly going very well, and Moorman said that he anticipates
the timeline to remain on schedule, even with winter weather approaching.
For more information on these and other updates, visit jasperindiana.gov or JasperGov-Indiana on Facebook.
- By Drew Hasselbring
- By Drew Hasselbring