Jasper Public Library Announces December Events
Family Storytime– Tuesdays at 10am
MakerSpace Office Hours - Wednesdays & Thursdays from 1-4pm - MakerSpace Office Hours allow Makers to stop by and get more assistance with DIY projects and get answers to questions. Staff will be in the MakerSpace during this time to offer a little more one-on-one time. Call ahead or drop by for help.
Curiosity Café for Teens - Thursdays at 4pm - Teens will enjoy a variety of different activities each week including: snacks, crafts, and games. Home School Connections- Mondays, Dec. 6 th & 20 th at 1pm Homeschool families are invited to join us for an afternoon of learning and making connections within the homeschool community. Jasper Public Library in coordination with Jasper Community Arts will be presenting a rotating series of homeschool programs that are open to all ages of homeschoolers. The rotation includes STEM, history and geography, art, and literature. The first session will be a meet and greet for families and the instructors. Please Register
Life Size Candy Land - Dec. 23 through Jan.3 (except Holiday Weekends) We are inviting families to stop over in the Atrium to play our giant size winter Candyland game. This will be out and available thru Jan. 3. Stop by the front desk at the library to get your game pack to play. No sign up is necessary. Knot Just Knitting – Wednesday, December 1 st at 11am This is a group of knitters/crocheters/weavers/in general crafters, that will be meeting monthly to share in projects, patterns and friendly conversation while we each work on individual projects.
Teen Crafternoon – Wednesday, December 1st at 4pm - All teens and tweens are invited to join us for this free event. We will be designing different crafts each time. This is a drop in style craft. Registration is not required. The craft will be available for an hour or while supplies last. We would love to have you join us!
Teen Advisory Board- Thursday, December 2 nd at 5pm The purpose of the group is to allow teens to have a say and a part in the teen programming and materials at the library. If you are interested in joining, email vlucchi@jdcpl.us to inquire about an application.
Coffee, Cards, & Coloring- Friday, December 3rd at 10am Join us for a morning of card making, coffee, and coloring. This crafting event is free for adults and teens. Family History Fun Friday – Friday, December 3rd at 10 am Spend some time learning the layout of the genealogy room, learning about how to use the equipment, meeting other genealogy researchers, ask questions, solve puzzles and move deeper in your own family history research. Staff and volunteers will be available to help you get started or to provide support to you. No registration is required, but if you have any questions beforehand…contact Jill at 812 4822712 ext. 6109….or you can email at jwatson@jdcpl.us. See you on Friday!!!!
Duplo Club (Ages 2-5)- Friday, December 3rd at 10am The library will provide the larger Duplos to build different projects and just have fun with other kids. The Lego Coding Express Train will also be out.
Breakfast with Santa – Saturday, December 4th at 9am Children are invited to stop by and have a light breakfast with Santa and visit with him before our Silly Safaris live reindeer visit. Santa will be in the programming room from 9-10, and the reindeer will be here in the atrium from 10-12. We will serve doughnuts, fruit, orange juice and hot chocolate. Sign up is required beginning on Nov. 22.
Silly Safaris’ Reindeer Meet N’ Greet – Saturday, December 4th at 10am Join Courtney Kringle the Elf from Silly Safaris Reindeer Reserve as she brings a LIVE reindeer for a Meet N’ Greet for families. She will have the reindeer in the Atrium part of the Cultural Center for photos and fun. This will be an informal meet n’ greet, not a traditional show. Stop in any time in the 2 hour span to visit.
Holiday Gift Tag Workshop – Monday, December 6th at 5:30pm Join us in the MakerSpace to create beautiful holiday gift tags from components cut on the Cricut and Brother Scan & Cut. All materials provided. Reserved for adults, please. Registration required.
Holiday Storytime with Author Lisa Pieterse-Carson – Monday, December 6th at 6pm Families are invited to this cozy holiday storytime with author Lisa Pieterse-Carson who will be reading her children’s book titled Two Lists for Christmas-The Christmas Kindness-List. Enjoy a cozy atmosphere along with some Christmas cookies while listening to the story. No sign up needed.
Author Meet and Greet: David Fierst – Tuesday, December 7th at 6pm All adults are invited to join us for an author meet and greet. David Fierst is the author of Hidden Disgrace: Revealing the Distress Signals Covered by North American Indian Myths. Through meticulous research, Hidden Disgrace pierces through the veil of descriptions of Indians as either savages or “Noble Savages” and describes them as real people with both strengths and weaknesses. The author grew up in Dubois County and is excited to return and join us at the library. No registration is required for this free event.
STEM Playtime- Wednesday, December 8th at 10am Have fun playing with our STEM toys. For children and their caregivers. Intro to Computers- Wednesday, December 8 th at 2pm Adults are invited to join us for an introduction class in how to use computers. This class will cover any basic help that you might need for computer usage. Please Register
Gingerbread House For Grades K and Up – Wednesday, December 8th at 6pm Kids will have a great time making these gingerbread houses from graham crackers. The houses will be made ahead of time and the kids can have fun decorating them with lots of sweet candies and icing. Sign up is required beginning on Nov. 24.
Afternoon Book Club- Thursday, December 9th at 3pm New members are welcome. Pick up a copy of the book at the library. This month we will be discussing Priceless by Robert Wittman.
Holiday Traditions: Genealogy Interest Group – Thursday, December 9th at 6pm Share traditions handed down through generations, how you keep it a part of your holiday schedule, and ways to add in new traditions to pass on to future generations. This is also a time/place for asking questions of other researchers to help in your own family histories.
Bingo & Coffee- Friday, December 10th at 10am All adults and teens are invited to an evening of bingo and coffee. There will be prizes for winners! This is a free event. We hope you will join us for an evening of fun.
STEM Fun:- Monday, December 13th at 5:30pm Join us in the Maker Space to play, explore, and discover with the Library robots. We will have out the Spheros, LEGO EV3s, LEGO WeDos, and the Ozobots! This will be an informal time for kids to discover and explore what they can do with the robots. No formal instruction will be given just friendly guidance (ages 8-12). No registration is needed.
Beginning Sewing for Kids – Tuesday, December 14th at 5:30pm Make a soft flannel pillow using the sewing machine and a small amount of hand sewing. This class is reserved for those ages 8 and up. All supplies provided. Please register!
Adventurescapes- Tuesday, December 14th at 6pm All adults are welcome to join us for an adventure escape. We will explore a different country each month. We will use our senses to travel and enjoy a new destination. Our adventure will include crafts, snacks, and spices of the region. We hope you will join us! Registration is required for this free event.
The UnBook Club for Teens- Wednesday, December 15th at 4pm All teens and tweens are invited to join us for this free event. The first 15 to arrive will receive an unboxing kit to go along with our book theme. With The Unbook Club, Book Club, participants are allowed to read whatever book they want that fits within the genre or theme of the month. Participants will rate their books as read worthy or not. We will have activities and snacks that fit in with the theme of the month. This month’s theme is scary reads. Registration is not required. We hope to see you there!
Knot Just Knitting – Wednesday, December 15th at 5:30pm This is a group of knitters/crocheters/weavers/in general crafters, that will be meeting monthly to share in projects, patterns and friendly conversation while we each work on individual projects.
Christmas Tree Treat (Ages 2-5) – Wednesday, December 15th at 6pm Kids can create a yummy Christmas tree treat with graham crackers, icing, M&M's, and pretzel sticks. This simple edible craft is for ages 2-5. We will also read a Christmas story. Sign up is required beginning on Dec. 1. Baby/Toddler Playtime- Thursday, December 16 th at 10am We invite parents/caregivers and their little ones for some socializing during our Playtime. Age appropriate toys and books will be available in the programming room to enjoy some time with other children and parents/caregivers. No sign up is required. This will take place the 3rd Thursday of every month.
Coffee, Cards, and Coloring – Friday, December 17th at 10 am Join us for a morning of card making, coffee, and coloring. This crafting event is free for adults and teens. We hope you will join us for a morning of fun! No registration required.
Warm and Toasty Craft Night – Tuesday, December 21st at 6pm Join us for an adult craft! We will be making crafts to keep us warm and toasty all winter long. We will be making hot chocolate kits and hand warmers. Gather together some of your friends and enjoy a free night of crafting at the library. Registration is required.
Lego Club/Challenges for Grades K and up- Thursday, December 23rd at 10am Kids can come build with our Lego blocks to make creations. They can build on their own or use some of our Challenges we will offer the kids. Projects will be displayed in the library until the next Lego Club. No sign up is required.
Nailed It!-Holiday Edition- Monday, December 27th at 1pm This fun program is inspired by the Netflix show “Nailed It” which features amateur bakers trying to make crazy cakes and treats. This family event will feature trying to make a holiday themed treat from the supplies provided. There will be a limit of 12 teams or families. Please only register one person to represent your family.
MakerSpace STEM Club – Monday, December 27th at 5:30pm Youth 10+ are invited to come into the MakerSpace and join the Maker community. This is an exploration time for the group, formal instruction will be limited. The size, interests, and previous experience of the group will determine where we place our focus. Participants will need a waiver signed which can be picked up at library our printed from the library’s website.
Kids Canvas Painting- Tuesday, December 28th at 10am Kids in grades K-4 can join us to paint a reindeer canvas picture. All materials are supplied. Sign up is required beginning on Dec. 14. This will take place in the Community Arts section in the workshops.
Board Game/Chess Day- Tuesday, December 28th at 1pm Families can stop in to play chess or board games in the programming room. No sign up is needed. Snacks will be available also.
Bingo & Coffee- Tuesday, December 28th at 6pm All adults and teens are invited to an evening of bingo and coffee. There will be prizes for winners! This is a free event. We hope you will join us for an evening of fun. No registration is required.
Winter Read-A-Thon- Wednesday, December 29th at 10am Everyone is invited to join us for a Winter Read-A-Thon because reading is snow much fun! What is more fun than reading at the library? Reading at the library in your pajamas! Make sure you wear those when you come! We have a goal of reading 1,000 minutes. If we can reach our goal, we will get new game tables for the library. Throughout the morning, there will be drawings for prizes for those present. Also, half way through, we will have hot chocolate and donuts. Everyone of all ages is invited to join us for this event.
Teen Crafternoon – Wednesday, December 29th at 4pm All teens and tweens are invited to join us for this free event. We will be designing different crafts each time. This is a drop in style craft. Registration is not required. The craft will be available for an hour or while supplies last. We would love to have you join us!