Jasper Police Initiate 'Operation Buckle Up' Campaign
Jasper - Beginning Thursday, Jasper Police Department will be participating in a three-week Operation Buckle Up campaign.
Seat belts can reduce the risk of injury or death in a crash by 50 percent, yet more people
are choosing not to wear one in the state and nationwide. It’s a concern that the Jasper Police
Department is working to address by participating in a three-week enforcement campaign: Operation
Belt Up.
Starting Thursday, officers will be out in greater numbers enforcing seat belt and child passenger safety
laws. This high-visibility enforcement effort is intended to reduce injuries and fatalities by ensuring that
all motorists and their passengers are buckled up.
Operation Belt Up is funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration through the Indiana
Criminal Justice Institute.
“We’re losing far too many people over something that’s so easily preventable,” said Assistant Chief
Aaron Persohn. “Seat belts are your best defense in a crash. Not wearing one because you were ‘only
going a short distance’ or ‘just forgot’ could end up costing you your life. Always buckle up.”
After several years on the rise, Indiana’s seat belt use rate has fallen to its lowest level since 2016,
currently at 92.9 percent, according to an observational survey conducted by ICJI. Tragically, of the total
number of vehicle occupants killed in crashes so far this year, more than 40 percent (252 of 588) were
not wearing seat belts.
Drivers under the age of 34, particularly young male drivers, were the most likely out of any age group
to be found unbuckled.
“We’ve seen some troubling trends on the road since the start of the pandemic, but this one is especially
concerning,” said Devon McDonald, ICJI Executive Director. “The evidence is clear that seat belts save
lives. It takes two seconds to put on and is one of the safest decisions drivers and passengers can make.”
Indiana has a primary seat belt law, which means that law enforcement can pull someone over and issue
a ticket just for not wearing a seat belt. Drivers can also be cited for each unbuckled passenger under
the age of 16.
The law requires everyone in a vehicle to be buckled up. Children under eight must be properly
restrained in a federally approved child or booster seat. From eight to 16, children are required to be in
a booster seat or can wear a seat belt, depending on their size.