Jasper Group Announces Tornado Relief Collection Effort

Local Sources - Jasper Group issued a statement on Monday morning announcing a tornado relief effort.

Our hearts go out to all those grappling with the aftermath of the tragic storms that ripped through the area over the weekend. As our neighbors begin the process to recovery, our hope is to provide support and relief in any way that we can. 

Jasper Group will be sending trucks to the Mayfield, Kentucky area to provide needed items. The dock doors at our corporate headquarters in Jasper are open today through Wednesday from 6am – 7pm for all members of the community to drop off donations. Please go to the dock doors on the southwest side of the building (next to the JHS football field – 225 Clay Street, Jasper, Indiana) where the dock will be staffed during these times to receive all items. 

To make distribution easier, like-items will be loaded together on palettes, so please organize donations as such if possible. Many different types of items are being asked for, below is a list highlighting some things in request: 

Personal hygiene items
Non-perishable foods
Seasonably appropriate clothes, coats, gloves, socks 
Cleaning supplies, paper towels, cleaning wipes, rags and towels 
Zip lock bags 
Duct tape 
Toilet paper 
Plates, napkins 
Baby items – diapers, bottles, formula, wipes
Phone chargers