Jasper Flowers and Gifts Fulfills Large Amazon Order on International Women’s Day

By Kris Norton

Jasper – In celebration of International Women’s Day, Jasper Flowers and Gifts fulfilled an Amazon order for nearly 900 bags of popcorn.

Known for flowers, gifts, and edible fruit arrangements, Jasper Flowers and Gifts also attracts attention and visitors for having the largest popcorn box in the country. To the Indianapolis Amazon Fulfillment Center in Indianapolis, though, the business is known for something different – actual popcorn.

For International Women’s Day, Lisa Lamont’s Jasper Flower and Gifts delivered 870 individual bags of popcorn to the Indianapolis Amazon location. What began with a negative customer service experience and a single cup in 2011 has turned into a humbling experience for Lamont.

Lamont recalls a negative experience purchasing Christmas gifts online, which, unbeknownst to her, would turn into a full business.

“With dealing with that whole experience, my husband said ‘You know, this is something you could do and provide it here locally, yourself,’” Lamont said.

After receiving a craft machine for Christmas, Lamont made a personalized cup, of which she posted a picture of on Facebook.

“I had friends saying ‘Will you make me one?’,” Lamont said. “I was having fun with it and wasn’t really expecting this.”

The Lamonts moved into their new house and the business moved to the basement. Lamont purchased an embroidery machine and expanded her offerings.

The business would expand as well, eventually moving into a store front on Clay Street. Within 18 months, Jasper Flowers and Gifts would move to the Downtown Square, before settling in its current location.

Though she doesn’t know for certain, Lamont believes that a wholesale customer relayed her information to Amazon, putting the Jasper business on their radar.

Then in February 2022, a call came from Amazon.

“I was in shock, thinking Amazon’s calling us…” Lamont said. “Who would’ve thought that back in 2011 that I would be doing an order for Amazon.”

Amazon was looking to promote and order from businesses run by women.

A week and a half prior to International Women’s Day, Amazon placed the order: 870 individual bags of popcorn.

Jasper Flowers and Gifts successfully filled the order.

The whole experience was humbling, though she couldn’t have done it without her employees and customers, Lamont says.

“I’m amazed at how far I’ve come but I know that it wasn’t just me, I didn’t come to this point just because of me,” Lamont said. “Over the years we’ve had amazing community support, I’ve only gotten to the Amazon order because our local customers. On top of the customers, it’s the staff, and I know this – there’s zero chance I could do what we do without them.”