Jasper Considering Food and Beverage Tax for upcoming project

By: Corbin Lingenfelter, News Director

Jasper- The City of Jasper has proposed a new Food and Beverage tax.

The tax would be a 1% tax on all food and beverages created in the Jasper city limits. This tax would go solely towards the currently named Regional Health and Wellness Center.

The center plans to include an indoor pool, basketball courts, pickleball courts, and other wellness amenities. This opens the door for tournaments and other sporting attractions, says Lorey. The center would be run by the Tri-County YMCA as a separate entity from their current location.

“What this allows us to do is reduce the burden of property taxpayers within the city of Jasper,” said Lorey, “We get a lot of visitors that come in too.”

Some citizen concerns on the tax are the tax is in Jasper only, not the county. However, the county still could enact a food and beverage tax to help with the funding.

“I have not had that discussion with them, yet,” said Lorey, “They are aware of this as a funding option as well.”

A referendum will be held during the 2024 election cycle for citizens to voice their opinion on a property taxed bond. That referendum will also include potential property tax increase to fund the full project or if denied, only part of the planned construction.

“This is one of many, many ‘stacks’,” He said, “There are private donation, grant opportunities we are exploring. The bulk of it will be through a referendum, where the citizens can voice whether they want to use a property tax backed bond to build the entire thing, or if we will build it in phases.”

Lorey says construction is slated to begin in 2025.

(NOTE: Photo is a preliminary design, the actual center may or may not look different than the one pictured)