Jasper Community Arts Fills Galleries and Performance Spaces

The Jasper Community Arts Commission met on Tuesday evening to discuss the many upcoming events that are being presented to the community this season. 

The Gallery is filled with artwork, as current exhibits prepare to make room for upcoming shows. The Patoka Valley Quilters Guild exhibit will continue through September 22, and the Ron Mack exhibit will continue through October 27. The 31 st Annual Juried Exhibition will open on September 5, and will run through November 24 th . The gallery is open Monday through Friday from 9-5, Saturday from 10-2, and on Sundays from noon-3. Admission is free. The First Thursday Opening Reception will be on September 5 from 5-7 pm at the Thyen-Clark Cultural Center. This will be a free event open to the community. 

A variety of workshops have been planned for the fall and the holiday season, including Camp Create Fall Break from October 14-17 from 9-noon. Campers aged 8 to 12 will work in several mediums, at a cost of $40 per child. Figure Night will be held in an open workshop, from 6 to 8 pm, on September 26, October 24, November 14, and December 19. Registration is recommended, but not required, and materials are provided. Walk-ins can pay at the door with cash. The Clay Open Studio continues to be popular on Mondays from 9-4 and on Thursdays from 3-8. 

JCA’s Education Series starts programming this month, and will be filled with some exciting programming. Justin Roberts and the Not Ready for Naptime Players will rock it out with kids from kindergarten through second grade. Third through fifth graders will learn about Native Hawaiian culture in The Pa‘akai We Bring, which will bring a mixture of hula, ancient stories, and music. Middle schoolers will enjoy the Jeeyoon Kim’s classical piano performance, while high schoolers will have the opportunity to witness the tremendous talent of guitarist Luca Stricagnoli. 

In other business, Jasper Community Arts is continuing to work with the Partners in Education Team to get the proposed in-house residency in place. They hope to implement the program as soon as next semester. In addition, JCA’s anniversary celebration is in the planning stages. More conversations with the Commission will be held in the coming weeks to solicit input regarding the event. The wine vendor has been selected for the dinner and the public event as well, and conversations regarding menu will be forthcoming.

For more information on these and other updates, visit jasperarts.org.

- Drew Hasselbring