Jasper Community Arts Announces COVID-19 Guidelines when Attending Live Performances
Jasper - Jasper Community Arts has updated its policies and procedures for live performances presented by Jasper
Community Arts.
"For the last 17 months, Jasper Community Arts has taken a flexible, cooperative, and understanding approach
to reopening and welcoming patrons back into our venues," said Kyle Rupert, Director of Jasper Community
Arts. "As excited as we are to present live performances again, it has become clear that the rising number of
cases and hospitalizations in our region necessitate the reimplementation of safety measures."
Keeping the health and safety of staff, patrons, and artists in mind, Jasper Community Arts is reimplementing
the following measures for those attending a performance:
• Masks will be required at all times while attending a performance.*
• Hand sanitizing stations will be prominently displayed in public areas.
• Patrons are asked to self-monitor and to stay home if not feeling well. A self-screening questionnaire
can be found on JCA's website.
The measures take effect Monday, August 16th
, and will remain in place until Dubois County receives a
‘yellow’ designation from the Indiana State Department of Health’s COVID Dashboard
(https://www.coronavirus.in.gov/2393.htm). As the situation continues to evolve, these and other policies are
subject to change. A complete listing of Jasper Community Arts' COVID-19 policies, as well as performances
impacted, can be found on their website, www.jasperarts.org/covid.
“It is my sincere hope that the situation improves in our community and that these requirements can be
lifted,” Rupert said. “We seemed so close to being on the right track back in June. Chalk Walk was a great
event. Ideally, case and hospitalization rates will fall quickly enough for us to move forward with performances
as intended. If not, we will have to weigh other options.”