Jasper Advances to Strongest Town Finals

Jasper - The city of Jasper, Indiana has advanced over Yellow Springs, Ohio to qualify for the final round of the annual Strongest Towns competition.

The city of Jasper, Indiana was informed Friday afternoon that they won our match-up in the Final Four and are in the Championship against Norwood, Ohio. Jasper defeated Yellow Springs, Ohio by a count of 53% to 47%.

Norwood, Ohio defeated Durango, Colorado 60.2% to 39.8%.

Voting will begin on Monday, April 4th at 3:00 p.m. CST immediately following a live webinar.

Jasper’s Mayor Dean Vonderheide will participate in the webinar. The audience can register to view the webinar of the Championship Round Live at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_h9JNIFrlTLW0_Z0qVaJObg.

It will feature a series of questions and follow-ups about each town and each campaign.  After the live webinar, Strong Towns will post the webinar on their YouTube channel for viewing.

Voting will run through Thursday, April 7th at noon Central time.

To vote for JASPER go to www.strongtowns.org and look for the link to vote.

Strong Towns is an organization that advocates bold and different thinking toward building better cities and towns by focusing on taking small incremental steps, embracing a process of continuous adaptation and to stop valuing efficiency and start valuing resilience. It is about taking new approaches to be sure cities and towns are making smart moves toward supporting their growth without adding significant financial burdens.

You can learn more about Strong Towns at www.strongtowns.org and remember to vote for Jasper.