ISP Jasper Post Gets Four New State Troopers Following Graduation Last Week

From Local Sources 

JASPER -- Last Thursday, December 13, 54 troopers graduated from the Indiana State Police Recruit Academy after completing 22 weeks of intense training that exceeded 1,000 hours. Some subject areas of training included criminal and traffic law, crash investigation, emergency vehicle operations, defensive tactics, firearms and a host of other subjects related to modern policing.

Troopers will now spend the next three months riding with and being evaluated by veteran state troopers. Upon successful completion of the field training phase, each new troopers will be required to pass an oral interview with their perspective Command Staff prior to being issued their commissions to begin solo patrol .

Jasper District Commander, Lieutenant Jason Allen says he is very proud of each trooper thus far and their willingness to serve is very honorable. Lt. Allen also pointed out the Jasper Post is steeped with a community policing tradition and in the near future, much will be expected from our new troopers.  

New Jasper District Troopers

Trooper Teresa Bowling

Trooper Teresa Bowling, 25, Holland Indiana. Bowling graduated from Southridge High School in 2012. Bowling attended the University of Southern Indiana where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice & sociology in 2016. Bowling previously served as a Police Officer with the Huntingburg Police Department. Bowling enjoys reading, singing and spending time in the outdoors with friends and family.

Trooper Clay Ford, 23, Mount Vernon Indiana. Ford graduated from Mount Vernon High School in 2013. Ford attended Oakland City University where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice in 2017. Ford was previously employed by the German Township Water Department. Ford enjoys hunting, fishing and sports.

Trooper Clay Ford
Trooper Patrick Gallagher


Trooper Patrick Gallagher, 27, Depauw Indiana. Gallagher graduated from Gallagher Academy of Indiana High School in 2009. Gallagher then enlisted and served in the United States Navy as an active duty Fire Control Technician. Gallagher was previously employed by Jasper Engines & Transmissions. Gallagher enjoys riding motorcycles, hunting and fishing.

Trooper Christopher Rainey, 25, Salem Indiana. Rainey graduated from Salem High School in 2011. Rainey attended Franklin College where he earned a Bachelor of the Arts degree in athletic training in 2015. Rainey was previously employed as an Athletic Trainer for Salem High School. Rainey enjoys hunting, reading and lifting weights.

Trooper Christopher Rainey