INDOT Notifies Huntingburg of Intersection Monitoring for Improved Signal Timing
Huntingburg - Friday morning, the City of Huntingburg announced on their Facebook page that INDOT has advised them of their intent to monitor intersections for improvements for signal timing.
The City of Huntingburg received the following information from Indiana Department of Transportation: Southwest:
“At this time, the intersections at 14th Street, 13th Street, and 12th Street are being monitored and will continue to be monitored into the future for potential improvements to signal timing. Due to width constraints, a separate dedicated turn lane at any of these locations is not feasible, but left turns are allowed as the newly installed signals have 5-section signal heads with left turn arrows to accommodate the phasing of the movements.
As we gather more data at this location, INDOT will be able to adjust the timings to fine tune the new configuration. This will take some time and there will be an adjustment period for local traffic. Thank you for your continued patience as we work toward continuous improvement.”