Indiana Posts Back-to-Back Days of Over 1600 New COVID Cases, One Southern Indiana County Under the Highest Advisory
On Wednesday, the state reported 1,774 new COVID cases after a Tuesday update of 1,600. Both totals were the highest recorded since April 16, 2021, when the state saw 2,355 new cases.
In the Wednesday Indiana Department of Health Dashboard update, only 14 counties remain under the lowest advisory level. One southwestern county, Posey has become the first to return to a Level 3, Red, advisory.
29 counties scattered throughout the state are currently under an Orange Advisory, nearly doubling last week's total of 15. 48 counties are Yellow.
While Daviess and Martin County remain the only two areas in Southern Indiana with the safest advisory, levels seem to be going up across the board.
In Wednesday's update, Dubois County reported 19 cases - the highest total of positives since early February.

Advisory Level
Advisory level refers to the current guidelines the county must follow. A county must remain at a lower Weekly Two-Metric Score for two consecutive weeks to move down to a lower advisory level.
Weekly 2-Metric Score
- ■ Blue (0 and .5)
- ■ Yellow (1 and 1.5)
- ■ Orange (2 and 2.5)
- ■ Red (3)
Weekly Cases Per 100,000 Residents
- ■ Less Than 10 new cases(0)
- ■ 10 to 99 new cases(1)
- ■ 100 to 199 new cases(2)
- ■ 200 or more(3)
7-Day All Tests Positivity Rate
- ■ Less than 5% (0)
- ■ 5% to 9.9% (1)
- ■ 10% to 14.9% (2)
- ■ 15% or greater (3)