Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb Discusses Infrastructure Improvements in State's "Manufacturing Powerhouse"

By Kris Norton

Jasper - Friday, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb outlined $475 million in funding being made available to road improvements in Southern Indiana; $75 million of which will be allocated to U.S. 231.

Tuesday morning, Governor Holcomb joined WITZ News Director Kris Norton, explaining why the 48-mile stretch of road between Dale and Crane is so important to Indiana's future.

"You know that 231 is important to Jasper, and Huntingburg, and Crane, and the connection between I-64 and I-69... 231 has been a priority for a long time. We learned some things out of recent studies that we were able to accelerate and move forward on right now to make it safer, more efficient. This area of our state is a logistics and manufacturing powerhouse. We want to make sure it is firing on all cylinders, and these improvements were needed."

For the ability to announce the three projects - U.S. 231, an extension of State Road 101, and constructing an approach to the I-69 Ohio River Crossing - Holcomb praised the state's economy.

"Fortunately, because of our, and only because of our, economy, were we able to move these projects up the priority list," Holcomb said. "In 2017, our INDOT budget for a year was $2.2 billion, it is now $3.6 billion. In 2017, we were doing about 800 projects a year; we are now doing 1,300."

According to the initial press release, the $75 million dollars allocated to the U.S. 231 project will go towards the design and construction of added travel lanes, passing lanes, and intersection imporvemtns at strategic locations.

While the U.S. 231 project is certain to be moving ahead, it is not the only potential major project coming to Dubois County in the near future. The Mid States Corridor, currently in its Tier 1 Environmental Stage, includes 12 counties. The current plan for U.S. 231, Holcomb says, will not affect the likelihood of the Corridor moving forward.

"Not 'one or the other', no," Holcomb said. "  This is quite frankly, what we've learned so far has helped inform not just what needed to be done, but what we were able to do. So the announcement of $75 million in improvements for 231 equips INDOT with resources they need to address the mobility goals and safety needs identified by the community ,there, through the Mid States planning process."

Governor Holcomb sees the Mid States Corridor as an opportunity to grow for the area, not just now, but in the future.

"It's going to be a constant work in progress between the local communities' priorities and the state of Indiana's priorities. Keeping, always, in concern safety, efficiency, and making sure that area is best connected to, not just other regions but to other markets... We need to make sure the infrastructure to accommodate not just is what's there now, but potential growth. That's what's going to help us grow as a state and retain and attract folks to come, live, work, and play in Indiana." 

Construction for the infrastructure improvements to U.S. 231 is anticipated to begin by late 2022.

The full conversation with Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb is available here: