Indiana DNR Asking for Public Input
The Indiana DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife wants to hear your ideas on fishing, hunting, trapping, and other fish and wildlife-related regulations in Indiana, including special permits regarding those topics.
Through Sept. 15, you can use a convenient online form to contribute ideas and provide input on issues the DNR has identified for consideration.
The form is at: on.IN.gov/gotinput
The form – ‘Got INput?” – not only allows you to comment on ideas from the DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife, but also allows you to propose your own ideas on any fish and wildlife regulation topic.
Through Sept. 15, you can use a convenient online form to contribute ideas and provide input on issues the DNR has identified for consideration.
The form is at: on.IN.gov/gotinput
The form – ‘Got INput?” – not only allows you to comment on ideas from the DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife, but also allows you to propose your own ideas on any fish and wildlife regulation topic.